It's a powerful tool that has endless benefits for your Catholic parish, school, or organization. So why is it that we usually only live stream Mass and liturgy services?
If you’ve recently jumped into the world of live streaming, we’re excited to share a few ways for you to build a robust live streaming plan that goes beyond Mass and connects with others like never before.
eCatholic LIVE is a stress-free and automated* live video streaming service for churches, schools, and ministries, that integrates directly onto your eCatholic-powered website. Explore all the features that eCatholic LIVE offers by signing up for a free 30-day trial today!
*Pro & Premiere packages only
There are many unforgettable moments that happen in your ministry. But sometimes, loved ones may not be able to take part in special events in person. Time, distance, and money can all serve as regular roadblocks that prevent physical attendance.
Consider offering an option to live stream any of the following events to ensure that everyone, no matter their location, can join in on the gathering.
Traditionally, ministry and outreach is accomplished in a face-to-face setting. However, competing schedules and work-life balance can get in the way. If meeting in person is nearly impossible, a live-streamed event can allow people to participate from anywhere and still feel like a part of the community.
Here are a few ideas for different events that are traditionally attended, but could reach even more people if it were live-streamed as well:
Pro tip: With eCatholic LIVE, you’re able to archive all of your live-streamed events so people can come back at any time and participate at their convenience!
It’s not a bad thing to approach ministry with a business mindset. While live streaming, with the correct equipment, is a real investment, the benefit will likely outweigh the cost in the long run.
By offering your live streaming as a paid service, families (or anyone who would like to purchase the service) could sign up for a flat fee - let’s say $250 - and receive the following items:
Imagine how your organization could benefit from some additional funds in the budget! Perhaps someone on staff could have a raise, or money can be invested in new ministry programs or outreach. The possibilities are endless!
Watch our Vlogcast, Ways you can make money at your church, for some great ideas on how you can monetize your live streaming as well as a few more tips on how to have a business-minded approach to your ministry.
Live streaming can be used as a tool that connects people in the most unlikely ways; consider using one of the suggestions above to get the most out of your live streaming service! Or, comment below with your ideas and suggestions on how to make live streaming at your parish, school, or organization a great experience for everyone!